Happy 1st Birthday to us! 🥳

3 min readSep 22, 2022


It’s been exactly one year since we came together with a vision to create a new, revolutionary football game. We believed that football fans around the world wanted to step into the shoes of a football club owner and to experience the highs and lows of club ownership.

12 months on from imagining what CLUB might be, we’ve been blown away by the support. Especially considering we’re still a small (but growing) founding team that hasn’t yet flexed its marketing muscle at all. Some highlights include:

1 Year Old Achievements

It began with a vision
We’re football gamers ourselves and we’ve been inspired by some of the best features of the games we all love and play, but we also have a vision of reimagining game experiences for players. We believe in free-to-play and players helping to shape games and share in the rewards.

So, with that vision in mind, we drank a lot of coffee, pulled together some of the best brains in the business and started to hatch our plans…

Community first
Our Discord community grew rapidly and is a vibrant community of football fans — the perfect place to chew over the weekend’s results, football gossip and compare your rank in the game.

As we began to talk about the game our social following grew too — 170,000+ across all our platforms (TikTok, Twitter & IG) and people are now keeping an eye on CLUB with our engagement stats growing daily. 35,000+ even took the extra step to pre-register for the game.

This is all more or less organic too. Wait until we move out of 1st gear.

Press start to play
We sold Founding Clubs (our VIP passes) to our keenest community members — over 1,700 of them. Our Founders are helping us to test different elements of the game as we move towards a public soft launch next year, and they are holding onto those VIP Passes tightly with less than 0.5% on sale at the moment — diamond hands indeed!

After seven European gameweeks, we’ve seen over 15,000 transfers, seven different clubs at the top of the leaderboard and 201 clubs scoring over 100 (the Holy Grail for our COs!). We’ve seen some of the biggest content creators in the space pick up the game organically and hundreds of you create your own clubs across Twitter & Instagram, already starting to create the backstory behind your own football club. We love seeing this.

Oh, and we closed a $3.1M seed round in July with some of the brightest minds in Web3, gaming & football.

BUT, we’re just getting started! The game you see today is ~12% of our final vision. We’ve been very understated in putting ourselves out there, but when we do, we promise we’re going to make a splash.

We’ll be back in due course with an update on what’s on the horizon but in the meantime, thanks for your support over the last year. We say ‘thank you’ a lot but we really do mean it.

Last but not least, the limited edition physical CLUB shirts that you’ve been waiting for? Well they’re on their way to us from the factory now so all being well, these will leave CLUB HQ in October, delivering to Founding Clubs around the world. These will only go out to those who completed the form earlier in the year. If you’ve moved house since filling out the form please get in touch with us at team@clubgame.app by 7th October so we can amend your details.

What a 12 months it’s been and here’s to the next 12, COs!


